
View the Project on GitHub pt1988/elk-lab1

Exercise 1 : Process web access log with logstash

1 Setup environment

1.1 a) git clone project from gitlab
git clone https://gitlab.com/pt1988/elk-lab1.git
cd elk-lab1/exercise-1
1.1 b) alternative method (clone from intranet)
git clone git@  #password: git
cd elk-lab1/exercise-1
1.2) change privilege to root
sudo su -
1.3) copy logs file to /var/log
cp access.log /var/log

2. Run logstash with command line

Using logstash to read logfile(/var/log/access.log) and process and print to screen.

2.1) Show logstash path
whereis logstash
2.2) Show logstash help
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -h
2.3) Run logstash
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f logstash-stdout.conf

3. Run logstash with systemd

Using logstash to read logfile(/var/log/access.log) to process and store to Elasticsearch.

3.1) Copy to logstash config to logstash-systemd configuration directory
mkdir /etc/logstash/conf.d/
cp logstash-elasticsearch.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/
3.2) Restart logstash service
systemctl restart logstash
3.3) Check logstash status
systemctl status logstash
3.4) Troubleshooting logstash
tail /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log -f